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Johannes Brahms - Complete Symphonies

OPUS KLASSIK 2023: Nominated in 3 categories

In 2020, we were honored to win the prestigious music award, Opus Klassik, for our recordings of Beethoven’s complete symphonies. Now, we are proud to announce that we have set a new record with an outstanding 3 nominations for our interpretations of Johannes Brahms’s complete symphonies.

We have been nominated in three categories: Conductor of the Year, Symphonic Recording of the Year, and last but certainly not least, Ensemble/Orchestra of the Year!

Brahms in a new interpretation

New album

Even before the release, there was great international interest. On the day of release, the album reached the top and was placed at No. 1 at Tower Records in Japan. The Guardian wrote "Constantly fascinating performances'' and "These fresh, meticulously rethought performances may be worlds away from the classic recordings of these symphonies'' `. German NDR calls the release "intoxicating and uncompromising'' and writes "nothing seems to have been left to chance''. Classic FM has highlighted the release as 'Album of the week'. We have collected several reviews at the bottom of this page.

The publication is supported by:


...den nye indspilning med Danmarks Underholdningsorkester, der er halvt så stort som de fleste i branchen, har et helt anderledes slankt klangideal end det store sus af romantisk symfoni, som Brahms normalt giver. Men det lykkes smukt. Med sans for tempo, skøn balance, høj energi og et helt igennem dramatisk udtryk.


Emulating Brahms himself with an orchestra of fewer than 50 players, these fresh, engaging recordings show that less can mean a lot more

The Guardian

The performances with the Danish Chamber Orchestra are strongly expressive and offer warm, elastic playing throughout

Tarraco's Culture Club

Man har altid følelsen af at høre en historie blive fortalt i hver af disse satser af de fire Brahms-symfonier. Det er nu op til os lyttere at genfortælle dem. Én ting er sikkert, denne spændende optagelse mangler kun én ting: kedsomhed.


Hastighedens ekstase: de blændende danske komplette Brahms Symphonies af Ádám Fischer


And so this is certainly a highly interesting, often surprising, always musically passionate complete recording of the Brahms symphonies,


A revelation!
